Our Mission

GRIP is a group of dedicated community volunteers committed to raising awareness about immigration issues in Berks County. Through education, communication, and advocacy, we focus on supporting local youth and their families as they navigate educational challenges, explore pathways to citizenship, and work towards becoming active, contributing community members.

GRIP Dreamer Scholarship

GRIP is a group of dedicated community volunteers committed to raising awareness about immigration issues in Berks County. Through education, communication, and advocacy, we focus on supporting local youth and their families as they navigate educational challenges, explore pathways to citizenship, and work towards becoming active, contributing community members.

Apply for the GRIP dreamer scholarship

Open from January 1 through March 1 www.bccf.org
This fund was established in 2013 to provide college scholarships to immigrants who are not eligible for Federal and/or Pennsylvania financial aid. Applicants must be residents of Berks County, Pennsylvania*; and the applicant’s current primary home at the time of application must be located in Berks County, Pennsylvania.

How to Apply?

Follow the Application Steps Below:

Go to BCCf.org and click on “scholarships” in blue at the top left.
Create an account.
Complete the Universal Application and click submit.
Based on your Universal Application answers it will determine your list of eligible BCCF scholarships, including the GRIP Scholarship.
A list of scholarships will be displayed. Review the scholarships you are eligible for, complete individual application questions, and submit.
Go to BCCf.org and click on “scholarships” in blue at the top left.
*Please note scholarship criteria have been changed from Berks County High School Graduate. Changed to Berks County resident but not changed on application. If you are not a graduate of a high school within Berks County, but you are a Berks County resident contact Myrna Fuchs at 484-577-3708 to receive a waiver for this requirement or any issues you encounter.*

GRIP DREAMER Scholarship Fund

Support our DREAMER Scholarship which supports students who are not eligible to receive state and federal assistance for college. Any amount is appreciated.

our achievement Facts

Since 2013

2024 scholarships $15, 500 Awarded

Degrees earned by our scholarship recipients

Our Testimonial Video